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License #192-000101

Who has keys to YOUR home or office?

Terminated Employees? ~ Your Ex? ~ An Old Roommate? ~ Fill in the blank: _________?



Standard keys marked with “Do Not Duplicate”, “Do Not Copy”, “Duplication Prohibited”, etc. can usually be duplicated at any locksmith, hardware store… even the automated key kiosk. It is not against the law to duplicate these keys since the key blanks to fit these locks are commonly available.
Most KEY CONTROL systems utilize Restricted, Patent-Protected or High Security Lock & Key Systems, key blanks and cylinders. Restricted keys are sold only to the locksmith industry. Patent-protected and high security keys control unauthorized duplication because the key blanks can only be obtained by factory-authorized professional locksmiths. 

KEY CONTROL is like a ladder. Step ‘UP’ to make your facility more secure.

  • 1st RUNG / STANDARD – New home or apartment? You should always assume that someone else may have a key. Have the locks re-keyed so any old keys will no longer work.
  • 2nd RUNG / “DO NOT DUPLICATE” – The risk of unauthorized duplication is very high, even if your keys are marked “Do Not Duplicate” (see above Myth)
  • 3rd RUNG / RESTRICTED – Restricted keyway sections supplied by locksmith distributors to locksmiths only, are the entry step to prevent unauthorized duplication.
  • 4th RUNG / HIGH-SECURITY RESTRICTED – Major lock manufacturers have High-Security restricted keyways, they are restricted by the millings on the key and lock cylinder.
  • 5th RUNG / HIGH-SECURITY PATENTED – Patented key programs restricted by contract assure that only authorized people have access to obtaining duplicate keys. Locks can protect against duplication, lock pickinglock bumping, and other by-pass methods.


Starfleet Lock & Safe, Inc. is a contracted and authorized dealer for these and other uncommon, patented and restricted KEY CONTROL products:

Schlage Primus

Schlage Everest